Media contact

Would you like to report on the Voigt Group or its subsidiaries via your media outlet? We are happy to help. Please contact the person indicated in the press release or the media contact for the company you wish to report on.

Media contacts by company:

Voigt Industrie Service AG
Sandra Bucher
Head of Marketing & Sales

Voigt AG Pharma Grosshandel
Kornelia Kleveta
Head of Marketing

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Press releases

VOLOGIN: Building shell event, April 11, 2019
The Voigt Group’s vision of the future in Niederbipp has taken shape in a concrete way – 1,390 days after the start of the project.

VOLOGIN: Groundbreaking ceremony, August 25, 2017
The Voigt Group marked the start of an ambitious construction project with the groundbreaking ceremony for its building extension in the Mittelland.